office 365 domain redelegation

office 365 domain redelegation
72 hours after Redelegation..Unable to verify domain - Manage.Re: Domain redelegation for e-mail and web hosting - Manage Office.
Re: domain partial redelegation help please - Manage Office 365.
May 13, 2011. I have bought a domain name which has been verified but only partially redelegated. The domain provider is 1&1 (based in Germany).
Jun 2, 2011. Hi, I have problems trying to redelegating a Domain that I have with another provider ( I went through all the steps that is provided.
office 365 domain redelegation
Using OF365 without Domain redelegation - Office 365 Community.
Re: Domain redelegation for e-mail and web hosting - Manage Office.
domain partial redelegation help please - Manage Office 365.
Dec 31, 2011. Hi all. Doing a manual change-over from Microsoft Office Live Small Business, I' m adding my business domain to a previously established.
Apr 27, 2011. Hi there. I am interested in using a custom domain for using the Exchange functionality. I notice that in order to do so i have to add a CNAME.
Partially redelegated domain - endless loop - Manage Office 365.
Domain redelegation for e-mail and web hosting - Manage Office 365.