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. performances as baseball great Grover Cleveland Alexander in The Winning. Reagan adequate in the lead and Doris pert if a bit overly gushy as the wife.
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The Winning Team (1952) - Plot Summary - IMDb.. performances as baseball great Grover Cleveland Alexander in The Winning. Reagan adequate in the lead and Doris pert if a bit overly gushy as the wife.
Jan 1, 2006. When in 1911 Phillies pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander set the. especially his complex relationship with his wife, Aimee, as well as their.
eBay: When in 1911 Phillies pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander set the. Alexander went on to win 373 games over his 20-year career, the third highest total in. on Alexander's personal life, especially his complex relationship with his wife.
Jun 12, 2012. The pitching staff was led, of course, by Grover Cleveland Alexander.. Meanwhile, back in Philadelphia, his wife Rene was going into a.
Who was a better pitcher – who did more to help his teams win – Pack Robert " Bob" Gibson, or Grover Cleveland "Pete" Alexander? In the popular imagination, .
Rogers Hornsby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
. great Grover Cleveland Alexander in The Winning Team. The title refers to the mutually supportive relationship between Alexander and his loving wife Aimee.
Grover Cleveland Alexander Ball Field. 2 likes · 0. with no husband present, 3.1 ad a male householder with no wife present, and 40.3 ere non-families.
The Winning Team: Information from
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Catching dreams: my life in the Negro baseball leagues - Google Books Result.